Hello! I am Divyansh Srivastava.
Full Stack Developer; 
Android/IOS Developer; 
Machine Learning

Welcome to my digital portfolio.

This is where I showcase all the cool stuff that I have enjoyed working on recently.



E-Commerce Web Project

An E-commerce web portal made using HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery and Node.js which allows users to buy products Online including all features such as login, sign up, profile, cart, and many more..

Music Player (Android Devices)

A Music Player made using Kotlin and XML designed for the Android Devices which allows a user to easily access their music directories, play them and have several features such as adding favorites, shuffle, repeat among others.

Restaurant Management Project

A HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP based Online Restaurant Management Which allows a user to Surf through the menu and book their table in a Restaurant.

Wi-Fi Enabled Irrigation System, Smart Water Irrigation (SWI)

An Arduino based Smart Irrigation System which sends Live Stats and Data Directly to Your Connected ID. Just Upload the Required Moisture Levels , select the Crop and you are Good to Go.

Attention Learners!

If you want to talk tech or collaborate on your new GitHub project, don't hesitate to send me a message! I love to hear about all of the fantastic projects you people are working on and I certainly learn a lot too.I tend to respond fastest if you message me via Telegram.

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